my initials are BA. stands for badass


christmas eve

It’s that time of the year again. Consumerism is in the air.

I was riding my bike today to drop off and pick up some film I shot and I got another flat tire. I think there is something wrong with my tire. The inner tube was new so there’s gotta be something poking through the tire or I just put the tube in wrong which made it pop which sucks. But hey, lessons are gonna cost something right?

However, I was able to develop my film in one day which was sick. I was really stoked on how these photos came out. Like I said in a past post, I’m trying to invest more in film and just keep shooting and making things. I really don’t know how long I’m going to keep making something, but it’s been a good habit that I’ve picked up. It sucks though because I still want to get better at skateboarding, but I know that it’s going to be rather difficult because I need to start making a little more money. However, that means I won’t have as much time. It’s kind of hard to think about especially since Mac Miller’s Come back to Earth just popped up on Spotify and that song kind of hit off a small bout of depression back in September/ October.

I just switched the song to Klink by Smino since it’s more upbeat/ hip hop/ lo fi, it’s a lot better for concentrating for me right now.

Back to the topic. I know that I can still progress with respect to skateboarding and I have. I learned a new trick on Saturday which was a FS Disaster 180 revert out. Pretty proud about that. However, the things that I like to do such as jumping down shit, I kind of lost because I haven’t been skating that type of stuff in a while. I’m trying to stay with the Woodward Vibes that I had back in August where I was able to just jump down shit whenever, but because it’s cold, I’m scared to slam because I can get the air knocked out of me pretty easily/ it just hurts to slam in the cold. I also just need to get some new shoes for skating since I have a hole in them.

It’s funny how when I bring something up in this blog post, I start to try to open up a new tab in google chrome. Kind of like a Squirrel right now.

Anywho, I got to practice some more typography today, got my film, and watched a few more videos about typograpy. I learned about kerning and tracking which is good for when I’m making designs.

Bradley Afroilan