my initials are BA. stands for badass


3 things I'm grateful for on 11/28

3 things I'm thankful for today

1. Being able to freely use my body

2. Free food at work

3. My own space

Reasons why. I bike 10 miles to and from work. I'm thankful that I'm able to freely use my body to get me wherever I want to go. I make my own food when I go to work. I'm thankful that I can provide for myself, but at the same time, thankful that work gives me food every once in awhile. Like most designers, I like to keep to myself (partially because when my mom passed, we all dealt with individually and differently). I'm fortunate that I've had my own space for my whole life. I'm thankful that I can come home, not deal with anything (besides my dog), and just focus on what I need to do.