my initials are BA. stands for badass



Not really sure what to say, but I’m grateful for friends who are always down to have a good time, who love to cook, and just love to talk about anything. I guess those are the three things I’m grateful for besides the subway running super quick and that I’m getting to do some more design work tonight. A lot of good things happened today from playing Super Smash Bros, talking about relationships with friends, eating food, and chilling out.

Like when I started this blog, I’m not entirely sure if I’m getting better, but I’m making designs that I haven’t done before/ seen before or have seen subconsciously and are just doing them now. So I think I’m getting better, but I still think I need some more formal training in some way or form. I’ve been learning about kerning and tracking lately. Tracking is the overall spacing of a paragraph and kerning is the spacing between 2 characters. I’ve learned how to manipulate these characteristics in a paragraph so that I can eliminate things like “orphans” and “widows.”

Kind of funny when I type that out.

Eliminating orphans and widows are necessary for type to be good.

Bradley Afroilan