my initials are BA. stands for badass

Post College


i haven't really been in the mood to create things lately.
i've just been so consumed with applying to other jobs to follow my summer position.
tomorrow is the first day for it.
i'm not too worried for it, but at the same time.
it's a little sad to me that i'm starting up again.
the subject of the position is something that i am passioante about.
however, my career paths are a little bit different from what they were when i first started at Cal.
i'm not entirely sure how i'm going to go into art therapy and psychology.

i'm a little torn right now as i reflect
i should be just volunteering at creativity explored and then doing art for recovery in the fall
actually that is what i should be doing
however, i still want to go into communications and research
there are too many paths right now
i kind of wish that i just stayed in the research area
it would have been safer
i would have been able to do it
i don't know
i'm starting to panic a little bit
the internship at the intersection didn't exactly work out
my part time job doesn't allow me to do both
it's unfortunate
i was hoping to find ways to grow side projects into main projects
but it doesn't seem to be going that way
my side projects are in graphic design and communications
my main goal is going to grad school for art therapy and psychology
but maybe i should be focusing on art therapy and psychology right now?
i think i should be doing the latter when i think about it because if that's my main goal
i should dive in their first
i'll send an email to creativity explored or some art therapy org to volunteer.

Bradley Afroilan