my initials are BA. stands for badass


20 Days of Typography, 10 more to go!

Essentially, I’ve done more than 2 weeks of this self study program. What you’ll see in this post is my progress now vs my starting point. It’s interesting because I feel like I haven’t really learned much, but I know I definitely have a better sense of laying type out on a page. I’m still not perfect and will definitely revisit this less once a month for at least a week’s worth of time. I definitely feel more comfortable putting type on the right side of the page instead of just aligning to the left. In the last 20 days since I got back to work, I feel excited and also not as scared to tackle projects. It’s amazing how a little bit of practice can make me feel more confident. It’s also interesting because I was always thinking that I was practicing at work and that it would be after this current job that I would get experience that I needed. However, I have enough experience, it’s just the matter of me sitting down and actually practicing and doing the work. I definitely want to keep this up because I just feel more motivated. I’m not as depressed as I was when I first started/ a few months ago. I knew I needed a goal, but even though I was setting SMART Goals, I just didn’t feel motivated to do so. When it’s just creating something every single day without fear of judgment and the only need to fulfill is to create, it’s relaxing, challenging, and fun.

Whatever you give your attention to, you give your life to

To simplify this: “Garbage in, Garbage out",” as Darren Hardy says.

For a more familiar saying, “You are what you eat".”

What you consume through the media will consume not just your brain, but also your creativity.

Think about that. Whatever crap is on these “legitimate” news sources can dampen your mood and also take away from your focus and your inspiration/motivation.

But can I afford to live in what seems like a double edge sword of “Ignorance is Bliss?”

Well take everything with a grain of salt. Not exactly am I preaching just forget about all of the social issues of the world. But rather, control what your mind consumes.

Hardy says is that we should turn everything off and replace those negative news stories with positive ones or self development podcasts because there are a million positive things going on and sometimes just hearing someone reinforce a good old idea in our heads is just what we need to kick ourselves into gear and start creating again.

Since I’ve started this 30 day challenge to create something, I’ve also been listening to a lot of self development videos to help keep me motivated. It’s surprising how little a few words can change my laziness into productivity.

To some, me saying “it’s alright to be lazy at times too” is playing devil’s advocate, but think about it. Rest is important for progress. Even celebrities and people who have made need breaks. Beyonce recently said something along the lines that she doesn’t mind that her body has put on some weight after giving birth. In fact, she’s enjoying it. However, her resolve is seen in her declaration when she says, I’m going to enjoy this, but know that when I need to kick it into gear again, I will get that 6 pack again.

Beyonce gets it. Breaks are important. But the most important thing is that we keep going towards the goal or whatever we want to do. Laziness is only bad when you get complacent and stop going towards your dream.

For these designs, I couldn’t really take inspiration from other sources. I had to create what I thought were the best designs knowing what I know/ knowing what I’ve seen work.

3 things I'm grateful for on 11/28

3 things I'm thankful for today

1. Being able to freely use my body

2. Free food at work

3. My own space

Reasons why. I bike 10 miles to and from work. I'm thankful that I'm able to freely use my body to get me wherever I want to go. I make my own food when I go to work. I'm thankful that I can provide for myself, but at the same time, thankful that work gives me food every once in awhile. Like most designers, I like to keep to myself (partially because when my mom passed, we all dealt with individually and differently). I'm fortunate that I've had my own space for my whole life. I'm thankful that I can come home, not deal with anything (besides my dog), and just focus on what I need to do.

Tired of saying, "One day, I'll..."

I’m 24.

To most people, that’s a pretty young age. To me, that’s 6 years before 30.

The kids that I hang around through the Harold Hunter Foundation are between the ages of 13-20. Most of them don’t think of me as old, but it’s pretty wild to think that I’m 11 years older than the youngest and that I’ve been alive longer than these really talented kids. Most of them are on their way to doing what they want to do.

Me, I’m still chasing because I’m not focused.

Now this isn’t a pity story. I’m not asking for anyone’s pity or validation to make me feel better about myself. This post is my declaration that I’m making that “One day” today and everyday by making something every single day for however long.

As I do these designs everyday and track my progress in my Notes app, I’m seeing the progress and am actually very excited to be done with these self studies for Typography for a little bit. I’m thinking of coming back to this every single month for a week. What I’m more excited about is finally just doing the designs and the things that I want, but it’s always important to go over the basics and fundamentals which is why I’m doing these self studies.

Having a strong background knowledge is important so that I can break the rules later. The first step for me is to keep making something every single day. I don’t care if it’s not a master piece. It’s about quantity, not perfection ever actually. As Seth Godin says, “You can never overcome perfection, but you can dance with it.” It’s kind of a good analogy. Perfection is an instructor who I can never be like, but I can strive to model them. I’m going to fail, but small calculated failures is what will make learn and get better. Over time, and here’s the corny part, I’ll learn from Perfection what is good design and what is bad design and actually be able to describe why. All that matters is that I keep trying, be confident in myself, and try not to project other’s feelings onto me. Half of the time, those people don’t even know I’m in the room and are busy dealing with their own issues.

For these designs, I copied the layout in the slide if you press the next button. The parameters were to create a design that uses two weights and two point sizes.

There’s nothing wrong with copying because it’s like cooking as Chris Do says. I want to taste the original many times before so that I know what works and then eventually branch off and make my own dishes.