my initials are BA. stands for badass
Bradley Senior College.png

The Last Semester


i'm working on another poster with a friend from the BSU. we're choosing revolutionaries of our respective cultures along with images and quotations that are from Black and Pilipinx people that are revolutionary in thought. this is Assata Shakur. i read her autobiography two summers ago. while i can't remember exactly what she wrote, i do remember the way that she made me feel: empowered.
i owe a lot to the Black Community and experience. if it wasn't for Gaye Theresa Johnson's Class on Critical Race/Racism when i was still studying at UCSB, i wouldn't be the artist/organizer that i am today. it was through that class and the black experience that i wanted to learn about my own people's hxstory and fight for our own liberation. if it wasn't for folx like Assata Shakur and especially Malcolm X for me, i would have still been in denial about my identity and suffering more than i needed with internalized racism.

here's to Assata Shakur.
Power to you~

Bradley AfroilanComment